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Renick University Center Renovated For Upcoming Year

Brian Gornick, News Editor

Renovations in the Renick University Center dining hall. Photo//Kylie Martin.

As the student body and faculty return to the university for the upcoming school year, some places are going to look a little different. Some of these new changes can be found at the Renick University Center.

This summer the University of Michigan-Dearborn announced their plans to update the Renick University Center for this past orientation session to modernize what they deemed “outdated decor”. Much of the construction occurred during May this year, with smaller projects happening throughout the summer into August.

The biggest project in the UC was the dining hall. All of the tile was updated and replaced to highlight the university’s colors – and to take out any tattered tile that could trip up students racing to their next class.

The booths near the south side of the hall were removed entirely, leaving the area to now be filled with tables. This change gives the university more flexibility in moving the tables and chairs around the hall, as well as allowing more space for future events being held inside the dining hall.

The roof of the UC was also updated to fix potential cracks and leaks that could damage the new renovations should water leak through.

While most of the renovations have been in the dining hall and McKinley Cafe, changes to the offices in the UC are also coming. One such change is the Office of International Affairs (OIA) moving from the Union at Dearborn to the UC. Their office is now located in office #1169 next to financial aid.

Photo//Kylie Martin.

Other areas of campus, such as the HVAC and IAVS as well as concrete curbs, sidewalks, and storm drains across campus, underwent repairs and other construction projects.

Over the next year, based on the GO BLUEprint for Success, the Comprehensive Campus Plan will be assessing how to reimagine campus space for the needs of commuter and pedestrian students, faculty and staff, and to meet carbon neutrality goals.

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